Angel Tandem and Bob’s Adventure

Watch out…. There’s a magical Angel Tandem coming to a town near you!

Cliff and Ruth are Angels in their 70s who have the attitude that nothing is too much effort when it comes to supporting our most vulnerable kiwi kids. They’ll tick off a bucket list dream and raise  much needed funds for Bald Angels whilst they do it.

Crikey! …just packing that bike deserves a medal on its own, but they are about to tackle 7000km of Aotearoa’s back roads and highways, mountains and valleys with just what’s strapped on and NO back up support team – except Bob the Angel Bear who will keep an eye on them. What’s on the bike is everything they need for 4 long months on the road. 

Angels indeed!

You can follow along on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Search @angeltandem everywhere and share to all your mates.

$0.50c per kilometre or $5 per kilometre? 

What can we do together? 

100% of funds raised will help the most vulnerable kids in Te Tai Tokerau Northland, Aotearoa New Zealand to live a better day.

Visit their Givealittle page and help them make a difference.

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