2020 kicked off with the Summer of the Mullet #summerofthemullet
With hairy old awesomeness firing up our community and the star quality of our rugby hero, Jack Goodhue, we raised over $45000.00 to tautoko (support) our youth to thrive.
Jack reached out to all New Zealanders to ask for their help, and in return he let NZ decide what to do with his New Zealand mullet masterpiece via a voting platform.
On Sunday 23 Feb at Mullet In The Park in Kerikeri, just one week after he secretly married his beautiful love, Sophia, Jack’s mullet was saved. NZ had voted. But we had some fun with it! It’s not every day an All Black sports luscious permed and pink hair!!!
And blimey! We met some insanely awesome dudes and dudettes with magnificent mullets, and the generosity of spirit and donations was outstanding! Local sponsors donated amazing prizes for auction. Police, St Johns and local businesses supported the event and the spirit of whanaungatanga was beautiful.
#summerofthemullet was a huge success and we finished up just before the world went into Covid lockdown, so we feel very grateful for that opportunity and the angelic timing!
Jack worked with AngelMama and the Bald Angels team, he is really passionate about supporting vulnerable young people in his beloved Northland community. The funds raised will help Bald Angels develop their KiwiMANA Kaiārahi Youth life skills programme, providing trained kaiārahi (life mentors) for at-risk youth; building their self-respect, life skills and resilience so that they can look forward to a path of hopefulness and sustainable health and employment. Changing their future- for GOOD!
Bald Angels #summerofthemullet (Child Youth & Wellbeing- NZ GOVT)
ALL BLACK Jack Goodhue keeps pink and permed mullet after the vote (NZ HERALD/Radio NZ)
Crusaders Star-Pink and Permed (Christchurch Star- Sports)
The Mullet has been a Polarising thing…. (Rugby Pass)

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