Bald Angels Boxing For Charity
Over $25,000.00 was raised at this event just so we could buy an ANGEL VAN ! AMAZING!
This will help us move boxes of goods, garden equipment, and people!!!
Excerpts from our Chairpersons speech:
“To the Certified Builders Association, thank you for choosing Bald Angels as your charity this year. We know that there are many worthy causes and we’re very grateful for your support. To all the sponsors, volunteers and support teams……Thank you so much. These kids are often little warriors and fighters themselves and we can learn a lot from their special strength. Sadly, many start fighting for their lives – BEFORE they’re even born. Sadly, some fight all their lives just to be valued. Sadly, some hurt themselves because they have no concept of self worth. Tragically too many lose the battle. I guess their battles are fights that can’t be fought in the ring. There are many worthy organisations that exist to support disadvantaged children in the world and we are right to support those organisations. However, let’s not forget our own children. Let’s not forget the kids suffering in our own backyard. Bald Angels is about the community working together and helping itself. ”
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