Ngā Anahera Pākira Cultural Awareness Policy
We are committed to developing and maintaining
bi-cultural practices
It is recognised that cultural appropriateness in this context means the relationship between Māori people as Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa and non Māori of other ethnic origin.
Bald Angels are committed to ensuring the cultural safety of participants by adhering to the following:
- Acknowledging that Bi-cultural practice is not a rigid process – it is a process of growing together.
- Bi-culturalism entails being aware of and respecting cultural difference.
- Access to and use of cultural advice will be free and made available for all with our Kuia and Kaumatua, Hana & Arena Munro.
- Significant use of Te Reo and tikanga throughout service and programme delivery.
- The use of Māori practice models – Te Whare Tapa Whā
- The use of practice tools supporting links to whānau, hapū and iwi.
- Client files will record ethnicity.

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