Busy Bees: The Magic Angel Sweater

Nine years ago they started knitting. Seven years ago they started keeping track of what they’ve been knitting.

In seven years they’ve knitted just under 3000km – that’s Cape Reinga to Bluff and back to Wellington! Or London to Moscow by road. Insane!

These days they deliver over 20,000 hours of volunteer support every year, that’s right, EVERY YEAR, by clicking those needles and delivering bundles of warmth to us for vulnerable babies in our Far North region.

And the impact of one cosy little jumper is amazing. The diagram below shows you how one magical sweater makes a difference across more than 10 people who get it from an idea to a ball of wool to a baby.

In August they gathered to knit, and we joined them to celebrate our Busy Bees. Special acknowledgement goes to the founder of this group, Jenny who at 81 has just decided to retire. We also met amazing 100 year old Jane who is still knitting, and Wendy who knits 60 hours a week!

If you’d like to sponsor some wool and keep our babies warm, please go to: https://www.baldangels.org.nz/product/angel-sacks-and-wool-for-warmth/ 


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