We assessed our year just ended and felt proud of the mahi we had achieved as a team, and as a community. It’s only by working together that we have been able to deliver such great impact.
Some comments from the partners in social services that we work with:
“I have had grown, solo fathers, who work fulltime but still unable to make ends meet, crying on my shoulder when I drop packages off to them.” [Social Services in Haruru-Waitangi area]
“The delivery of blankets was also incorporated into our Policing COVID response and proactive activities in rural and remote communities.” [NZ POLICE]
“Your mentoring (Kaiārahi) is so valuable to our young parents. Providing people to come into our students lives that can support them with their business ideas and educational journeys.” [Hiwa I Te Rangi- Education]
“The gifts, kai and clothing…were so gratefully received by the families we support. The lit up faces of the children was so heart warming.” [Womens Refuge Kaitaia]